Calhoun Falls Chamber of Commerce Meeting
Sally Caldwell, Communications Coordinator
July 28, 2015
ABBEVILLE— The Freshwater Coast Community Foundation (FCCF) was privileged to meet with Calhoun Falls representatives recently during a meeting discussing different ways to implement more traffic, publicity, and news in Calhoun Falls.
Starting off the meeting, Will Ferreira gave everyone an overview of what the FCCF is accomplishing and what the long-term goals are.
One of the ways that the FCCF plans to increase entrepreneurship is through educational business workshops for the community. Will, along with Matt Wiggins and Andy Johnston, will be teaching these workshops in the upcoming months. These courses will be two hours long and will hopefully repeat in the spring.

Will Ferreira, Mindy Rogers, Faye Crocker, Lee Logan, Cody White, and David Porter among others listen as Johnnie Waller, Mayor of Calhoun Falls, leads discussion about Calhoun Falls and its business and tourism potential.
The purpose of this meeting was to inspire new ideas and strategies to help the community and businesses of Calhoun Falls thrive. Discussion centered on a strategic economic development plan.
This plan included discussion on ideas such as refurbishing downtown, using the public library, a new historic attraction, gaming for entertainment, a walking/biking/hiking tour, a Frisbee golf course, road biking with a map, and a town painting/mural.
Recreational program promotion was the next topic of discussion. Calhoun Falls could implement a tour guide for marketing the freshwater coast, have a book written about the trails, or purchase an LED display sign that would easily advertise the activities going on in the town.
Immediate future plans for the FCCF and Calhoun Falls include two follow-up meetings, one of which will primarily discuss plans for the painting/mural.
Calhoun Falls is a place packed with opportunities, adventures, and community, and the Freshwater Coast Community Foundation looks forward to supporting and promoting this wonderful town.