Calhoun Falls: Our Children, Our Future
Melissa Billey, Project Manager –
July 16, 2018
CALHOUN FALLS — A meeting was held today, July 12, 2018, by Wilder Ferreira in Calhoun Falls to brainstorm with residents regarding the youth of Calhoun Falls. The question on the table, “What is the most important item that we can help these children with?” Officer Kesler responded first with education. Physical activity and healthy snacks were another response that was received from the Calhoun Falls residents. Afterschool activities such as homework tutoring, Beta Clubs, Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) organizations, youth sports, healthy snacks; these all became the topics of the discussion.
These children need a good education in order to further their future to have good jobs, receive trade skills training, go on to higher education, and be able to give back to their community. Education is so important for each and every student. Another item that was discussed was healthy lifestyles. By becoming active in sports in afterschool programs, it gives these children a chance to utilize the energy that has been stored up all day during school. They then have a place to further personal fitness and lifetime fitness, something that everyone can benefit from now and in the future. These physical activities not only benefit these students during their adolescent years but benefit them into adulthood because they have started a healthy habit that they will continue. As the discussion continued, healthy snacks during the afterschool programs was brought up. Again, this is something that will not only benefit these children now, but it teaches them what they should eat to help their bodies be healthy.
It was evident during the meeting about how much these residents care and want to give these children, their children and grandchildren, a good educational and healthy start in life. They realize the importance of helping the children in Calhoun Falls in attaining a good education and healthy lifestyle.

Meeting in Calhoun Falls on July 12, 2018 regarding opportunities for youth in the Calhoun Falls area.