McCormick: Mt. Carmel Small Group Committee Meeting
Melissa Billey, Project Manager –
February 27, 2018
MCCORMICK — A meeting of the Mt. Carmel Small Group Committee was held on February 27, 2018, at 11:00AM at the McCormick County Chamber of Commerce, 100 South Main Street, McCormick, SC 29835. Wilder Ferreira, FCCF; Matt Wiggins; Mark Davis, Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism; Scott Hyatt, US Army Corps of Engineers; Charlotte Tallent, McCormick County Chamber of Commerce; Mike and Geri Regan, McAllister’s Home Furnishings & More, were in attendance. Wilder Ferreira led the meeting.
The “Friends of the Mt. Carmel Campground” discussed the repurposing of the campground, and it’s potential. This will be an incredible investment opportunity for outdoor professionals. This investment will lead to many opportunities also for the surrounding area as the “new” Mt. Carmel Campground is utilized to attract hundreds of families to the Mt. Carmel area. Mt. Carmel Campground was opened in 1967, but unfortunately closed in 2013.
The committee reviewed how Mt. Carmel Campground will be marketed with incentives to potential investors. Each person there brought up many positive key points about the campground and the possibilities it has in the future. Some preliminary plans were discussed to assist in the beautification of the area along with some community partnerships that could be utilized during this process of seeking an investor.
An abundance of opportunities await an investor. The next step of finding that investor is in the works. The potential is there. It can be seen. It is just finding the right entity with the same vision and desire for Mt. Carmel Campground.

McCormick: Mt. Carmel Small Group Committee Meeting. Wilder Ferreira, FCCF; Matt Wiggins; Mark Davis, Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism; Scott Hyatt, US Army Corps of Engineers; Charlotte Tallent, McCormick County Chamber of Commerce; Mike and Geri Regan, McAllister’s Home Furnishings & More, discussing the Mt. Carmel Campground.