McCormick Small Business Night Success
Sally Caldwell, Communications Coordinator
August 26, 2015
MCCORMICK — The town of McCormick was excited to host its first Small Business Night, and even more excited to see its success. Many people gathered together last Thursday night in McCormick Middle School’s cafeteria to listen to speakers, ask questions, and strategize the growth of the town.
The meeting opened up with talk about the need for a central hub for tourism in McCormick, as well as other ideas that could promote tourism.
Small businesses must decide what their market is and understand how rural tourism applies to them.
Visitors look for entertainment, excitement, and education, and McCormick could easily produce all of these for rural tourists.
Southern hospitality was then discussed as the secret to tourism in South Carolina. No other place is known for being as courteous and familial as the communities in South Carolina, a trait that must be continued and embraced by the McCormick community.
Signage was also brought up as a factor that could change the face of rural tourism in McCormick. Signs drawn attention, keep attention, and guide onlookers to where their attention may be transformed into entertainment, excitement, or education.
Lauren Ponder then took over the meeting, promoting SC Great Outdoors, a website that is dedicated to preserving and promoting the historicalness of our counties, facilitating grants, and creating a sense of place. As Lauren said, “Development will happen, you just have to plan it.”
Lauren discussed potential changes that would enhance McCormick, such as new lighting, multimodal transportation, and more.
Next on the agenda was speaker Matt Wiggins. Matt talked about how to put small businesses on the map worldwide, primarily through web services. Matt said that “online presence is key,” and he offered his website skills to everyone at the meeting.
McCormick’s Small Business Night was a smashing success; now, the community eagerly awaits to see the fruits of this productive meeting.
Whether augmenting the structure of the town, creating new local businesses, or putting current businesses on the map, McCormick is on the brink of becoming a successful county of rural tourism.

The community of McCormick County excitedly discusses the potential of local businesses and how to improve McCormick through new local businesses and new strategies of promotion.