FCCF Abbeville Promise Capital Campaign Kick-off Event
Melissa Billey, Project Manager – melissa.a.billey@gmail.com
April 19, 2018
ABBEVILLE — The Freshwater Coast Community Foundation (FCCF) held a kick-off event for the Abbeville Promise Capital Campaign on April 19, 2018, at the Piedmont Technical College (PTC) Abbeville Campus, 143 SC-72, Abbeville, SC 29620. A welcome was given by Brad Evans, Chairman of the FCCF. The ceremony was opened in prayer by Rev. Josh Chiles.
The Abbeville Promise was introduced to the guests as a “promise.” It is a promise for the future, a promise to give assistance to empower our youth to further their education, a promise to these children’s parents for their children’s future and their own future. Jeff Wilson said it well when he said, “When we invest in programs and projects, we invest in not only our children but also ourselves.” By investing in the Abbeville Promise, we are investing in ourselves, our children, and our future. The Abbeville Promise is an “investment in the future of our community,” Jeff explained, it provides for “bright and prosperous futures for our children.” Jeff Wilson is a Co-Chairman for the Abbeville Promise along with Andy Timmerman. Stephen Taylor made a good point when he said, “The Abbeville Promise gives us a very important tool.” Tools are used to do work; they are used to make our work easier; the Abbeville Promise will make the “work” of getting a higher education “easier” for the students of Abbeville County by making it more accessible. The Abbeville Promise is a scholarship that will allow students in Abbeville County attending Piedmont Technical College the financial assistance to be able to earn a two-year degree without cost to them. This opens so many doors for students who would not have been able to attend college due to financial constraints, but wanted to go to college.
Leomont Evans, an Abbeville native, who graduated Abbeville High School, was the keynote speaker. Leomont went to Clemson University with a football scholarship and went on to play in the NFL for the Washington Redskins from 1996 until 1999. He spoke about the importance of a higher education and doing great things. Leomont said, “Be yourself, everyone else is taken.” This “promise” will allow these students to be whatever they want to be.
To date, the Abbeville Promise campaign has received $713,500 in pledges toward the goal of $1.2 million. This is a great milestone toward the necessary campaign total needed to award the scholarships.
At the conclusion of the program, guests were given a tour of the new Mechatronics Lab at the Piedmont Technical College Abbeville Campus. Refreshments were provided and served by the Piedmont Technical College Culinary Arts students.

FCCF Abbeville Promise Capital Campaign Kick-off, Piedmont Technical College Abbeville Campus, April 19, 2018.