McCormick County Senior Center and McCormick Area Transit
Melissa Billey, Project Manager –
May 15, 2018
MCCORMICK — McCormick County Senior Center is very busy agency made up of the McCormick County Senior Center, the McCormick Area Transit (MAT), and the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex.
McCormick County Senior Center is a private non-profit agency that began by providing care to the McCormick County seniors. The agency receives contributions and donations, as well as grants, contracts, and local support from McCormick County government and the Town of McCormick. The McCormick County Senior Center decided they needed a sustainable plan for income to help with all of the programs and projects that they provide to the McCormick County seniors. The decision was made to convert the Talmadge Sewing Plant into the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex. This has not only opened doors for the McCormick County Senior Center to have a sustainable avenue of funding; it has opened doors to broaden their mission to encompass all of the McCormick County residents.
Each branch that makes up the McCormick County Senior Center is providing each individual in McCormick County accessibility to benefits and options that they may not have had without it. The Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex is able to provide routes for a healthier community. Through the McCormick County Senior Center, the seniors in McCormick County along with McCormick County residents, have the availability to: utilize transportation through the MAT service which includes public transportation, Medicaid transportation, and senior transportation; retired volunteer program; Meals on Wheels; Congregate Meals; Frozen Meals on Wheels for those who live in the more rural areas of McCormick County; bridge/activity room; bingo/craft room; pinochle/reading area; 24 hour access to the physical fitness exercise room; ½ mile outdoors walking track; I Care Counseling; and building and room rentals. Upon DHEC approval, a brand new indoor heated saltwater therapy pool and a whirlpool will become available to the members of the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex. All of these programs and services combined are helping to make McCormick County healthier. A new addition also housed in the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex is the TFC Café. It has an extensive menu to which items are being added weekly. I got to sample the chocolate ice cream which is awesome; it reminded me of the fudgsicles I used to get as a kid. Inside of the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex is a full service physician’s office also. Although it is independently run by Carolina Health Centers, Inc., aka McCormick Family Practice, it definitely adds to the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex. McCormick Family Practice provides low cost or no cost health care to the general public of all ages.
There are a lot of benefits coming from these facilities for McCormick County; benefits for not only the seniors in McCormick County but for the residents also. For information about the McCormick County Senior Center, the McCormick Area Transit, the Talmadge Fitness and Wellness Complex, or the TFC Café, please visit their Facebook page at:

McCormick County Senior Center, April 24, 2018.